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What kind of Animals Get in the Attic and What Potential Damage Can They Cause?

When the weather outside becomes biting-cold or scorching hot, animals of various kinds start looking for a shelter that can shield them from the severe weather conditions. And in such a situation, what better option than your warm and insulated attic? It has been observed in several areas around the country where animals took shelter in the attics of people’s houses and caused a huge wreckage. Animals in attic isn’t an unusual phenomenon and the possibility of this happening on your property is highly probable. These infestations can be of insects such as termites and cockroaches or it can also be of animals such as squirrels and raccoons.

Before any steps are taken to remove these animals from your attic, you must first educate yourself about all the different kinds of animals that can take shelter in your attic and the intensity to which these animals can cause your attic damage. In this blog we’ll present you with these very facts, so read on.

List of 5 Most Common Animals That Get In The Attic and the Damage they Can Cause:

  • Squirrels.

Although squirrels are extremely adorable and funny to watch, they can cause a lot of damage once they get inside your house. Squirrels are small and can go up to 50 miles during the fall season, looking for a place to nest. Owing to these factors, squirrels are the most common animals that can make way to your attic and start living there. It is fairly easy for them to get access to your roof through power lines or neighboring trees and poles that they can climb up.

These animals may look harmless but they have strong teeth and claws that they use to gnaw off your cables and wires and chip wooden furniture. They make their nests out of paper, small twigs and leaves. This can be a prominent sign of squirrel infestation in your attic. These animals may not bite you unless they feel completely threatened by you or your pet, but they might spread illnesses to you.

  • Bats and Birds.

Bats frequently enter into the roof, and can be very notorious and can find their way into your attic almost as easily as birds. You may have left your doors or windows open at some point in time and you are most likely to see small birds flying across your room. If your attic isn’t well protected, then the chance of several kinds of birds and bats to form nests or colonies up becomes extremely high. Bats can get into your house through very small openings and once they do, it is just a matter of time before a whole colony of these animals infest your attic and cause serious attic damage.

Bat droppings are corrosive in nature and give off very unpleasant odors. Bats can also spread the rabies virus so if your or your pets have been bitten, seek immediate medical help. You must thoroughly disinfect your entire attic if there has ever been any bat infestation to ensure that their droppings and guano deposits don’t cause very serious damage to your property in the future.

Birds and bird droppings can be another nuisance if they find shelter in your house. Pigeons and starlings are amongst the most common types of birds that usually nest in houses and buildings. These birds carry a lot of harmful diseases with them and must be shooed off immediately with proper protective gear. Bird droppings are acidic and can attract other insects such as cockroaches. Their nesting materials are usually chunks, of dirty twigs that are already infested with insects.

  • Rats and Mice.

It is a common misconception that rats do not infest places that are clean and highly maintained. They frequently enter homes through roofs and roof ventilations. The reality of these pests is that they can infest any house or attic, irrespective of how dirty or clean it is, as long as they get a proper shelter out of it. These animals make their way into your houses during the fall. Mice can reproduce very quickly so even if you spot a single mouse in your attic somewhere, it is likely that soon there will be a bunch of them running around your house. Mice usually enter your house from the base level floors through cracks and crevices in the walls.

Rodents are a source of varied diseases and complications and for this reason, these must not be left in your house unattended for. Their feces, saliva or urine can directly affect human beings and pets of the house, whereas the fleas and ticks that these rodents carry on their bodies have an indirect effect on people and animals.

  • Raccoons.

Distantly related to the Panda bear, these animals though from the deep woodlands are now increasingly making their way unto urban spaces. These are considered to be a very friendly and cute species of animals but they are as harmful as any other animals in attic of your house. Raccoons penetrate by making huge holes which can cause water damage and mold growth during rainy season. Raccoons can also spread the rabies virus, and your pets need immediate medical attention if they’ve been bitten. They have sharp teeth that can cut through wires and insulation raising the alarm for fire hazards. They are larger than squirrels or rodents and that is why they leave large debris along their entryway into your house.

  • Bees and Wasps.

Insects such as hornets, bees and wasps can easily infiltrate your attic or roof and form a colony up there. Since your attic is mostly empty and devoid of any activity, these insects are most likely to nest there. The biggest threat that these insects pose on the residents of your house is that they might sting or bite. If any of your family members are allergic to these insects or pollen, then it is recommended that you get the hive removed as soon as possible.

Any type of animals in your attic can prove to be harmful and can cause serious damage to your property. Along with the above-mentioned ones, there can also be infestations by snakes, opossums or other dangerous wildlife creatures. Make sure that you keep a regular check on your attic to drive away these uninvited guests in time.

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